Sims 4 download blender 2.70

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When Im done I drag the whole thing directly over the EA mesh and make sure surfaces etc are right, you can simply hide the EA mesh when it gets in your way. I then leave the sofa where it is and start next to it making mine the same height, then go into top and/or side view and make the width length the correct size So using blender I would clone the sofa, export the LOD delete everything except the main sofa mesh, if it has multiple meshes just join them, you only want it for the dimensions. Im making a sofa currently, so first job is clone a sofa, in this pic I have it exported in 3ds max but its the same method in blender. 5:21:04 GMT -5 MisterS said:To elaborate on what D4S said about the size, my work flow is thus.

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